Monday, April 4, 2016

Lauren - Seattle Senior Portraits

Wow, where to begin?

I could just show you all of Lauren's stunning images, but fortunately, I've gotten to know her and her mom. ☺ Which means I HAVE to tell you a little about Lauren.

Lauren has gone through a lot already in her young life, and had some really scary medical issues. Through it all, she's remained a kind, positive, beautiful young woman both inside and out. (You can read about it all in her own words, and in the words of her mom, too.) I feel so blessed to have met this family, and to have heard their story.

Getting to know Lauren, to understand the challenges she has overcome, really gave me a whole new outlook on how I wanted to capture her session. She's so HAPPY, all the time, just a joyful girl, and obviously that was captured. But she's also been through a lot of serious times, and is STRONG for having gone through them, and still dealing with some of the after effects. So I wanted to find a balance of capturing her joy and strength in the beauty of her senior portraits.

I don't think I've ever enjoyed going to Downtown Seattle as much as I did for Lauren's session! We had so much fun, and I just loved seeing the different outfits she had come to life in the city. (Um, hello, that jumpsuit?! I was bouncing off the walls when she first told me about it, and we found the PERFECT spot for it! Also, mad shoe envy.)

We ended Lauren's session at the beach for a few earthy shots, and I love how patriotic they turned out! She pulls off white pants so well, and they were the perfect contrast to the moody beach at dusk.

She has style, grace, joy and strength. Lauren is basically Wonder Women in real life. I admire her so much, and cannot wait to see where life takes her!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Leah - Seattle Senior Portrait Session - Felicia Sinclair Photography

"If I could wear one type of outfit for the rest of my life, it would be a dress with a sweater and statement shoes." - Leah

And there you go. Check, check, and check! ;) I hope you enjoy browsing through Leah's senior portraits as much as I enjoyed taking them!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Downtown Snohomish Senior Session - Keely Hayes with Felicia Sinclair Photography

One of the first things you notice about Keely is her eyes. They are this absolute KILLER blue, that just pops and totally sucks you in. And this is a girl you want to get to know, because she is SO fun, and such a beautiful person both inside and out. And I'm am lucky enough to get to work with her all year, as one of my 2014 Senior Reps. Check out some killer shots from her full Senior Session we did back in August:

I love that Keely can switch so easily between an edgy, alternative outfit to a hip, feminine one.
#flawless (anyone??)

Keely loved all her images with her "model face" as I like to call it, but her parents, of course, loved all the smiling pictures. And I can't say I blame them, because she just has the sweetest smile ever!

Now, you have to understand that this was like, THE most humid, hot, awful summer evening I think we had this year. So by her last outfit, we were dying. Luckily, we had a river to go play in! Felt so good to get in that water (yep, me too!), and the result was absolutely stunning! (So stunning, that I had to try it with my next Senior the following week. Come back to see that soon!)

Congrats on your senior year girl, I'm so stoked to hang out with you this year and see where you go!

All images are © Felicia Sinclair Photography 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Laura ~ Seattle Public Library Senior Session

I should be editing right now. Yearbook deadlines are coming up, and I'm swamped with a ton of gorgeous seniors right now! But it's been far too long since I did some extended sharing with you all, and I have a very special girl I'll kick off a sharing spree with!

This is Laura. She's adorable. Loves reading, drinking tea, and rain. A true Seattlite, and also one of my amazing 2015 Senior Reps. This girl brings so much joy with her, you can't help but smile when you're around her! To top it all of, she's absolutely stunning, both inside and out!

Her session catered to both her love of books, and her love of all things vintage & retro. I was so excited to be able to shoot her session at the Seattle Public Library and down by the Ferris Wheel on the Seattle Waterfront. Enjoy this extended look at her session, and leave your thoughts in the comments below! <3
She's such a freaking model! I mean really?? And that attitude! I love it! Can't wait for our next shoot.
Oh, so I learned AFTER the session, that shooting down by the Ferris Wheel was mom's idea, and that Laura really wasn't all that thrilled to do it. Go figure, turns out she LOVES these images though ;)
And of course, no Seattle photoshoot is complete without stopping by the Pike's Place Market.
(We're just more exciting, so we do it with balloons!)

All images are © Felicia Sinclair Photography 2014. Feel free to share the article and images, but do not credit as your own work, or alter in any way.

Friday, July 11, 2014

2015 Senior Rep Team! Senior Portrait Photographer Serving Seattle, Mukilteo, Snohomish, Bellevue, Redmond and the Surrounding Areas

Hi guys!

Been a little bit, I'm afraid I bit off a little more than I could chew there for a few weeks, so blogging has been a no-go! Now that I'm caught back up a bit, I figured I should do something that is LONG overdue, and introduce my AMAZE-BALLS 2015 Senior Rep Team!

Seriously, I love working with Seniors so much probably because I tend to get the BEST Seniors around ;) And past clients like Jennine who have just totally ROCKED their session make my job pretty dang easy, too! I have a love and passion for capturing these unique, wonderful young people, and it just gives me such a sense of purpose and joy that I couldn't imagine doing much else!

Now! Meet my amazing team: Ally, Callie, Keely and Laura! (I seriously had NO idea what I was doing to my poor brain when I picked those first three names together! Haha! What a tongue twister!) If you know these ladies, MAKE SURE you go talk to them! You'll get the low-down on the Senior Session Experience, as well was as Rep Card that will get you some extra goodies FREE from you own Senior Session!


Ally will be graduating from Marysville Getchell High School, having attended Kamiak High School the past 3 years. She plays both Basketball and Ice Hockey, and describes herself as outgoing and cheery, and loves life, her friends, family and freedom. She's proven to me that she while she's rough on the court/rink, she still loves her bright colors and getting all "girly" after her games. Ally also believes in God, and has a strong love and sensitivity for all people, mainly due to her two autistic siblings that she has grown up with. She says she has learned both patience and tolerance from them (both excellent traits to have!), and I'll quote her here: "They're both brilliant in their own way, and I believe that all people have their own brilliance if you take the time to get to know them and give them a chance." I couldn't be prouder to have such an intelligent young woman on my Rep Team!


Callie will not only be graduating with her High School Diploma this coming Spring, but will also have a full year of college already done through Bellevue Community College's Running Start Program. She has been home schooled up until this year, and is looking forward to the different learning scene! She's an avid reader, and also enjoys participating in both Track & Field and Swim & Dive Team for Skyline High School in Sammamish, WA. After graduating, she plans on attending The Masters College in Santa Clarita, California to study Kinesiology (and if you're like me, you'll have to look that up, so I'll save you the trouble ;) It's the study of Human Movement. SUPER cool!). Callie's drive and intelligence made her an excellent part of this year's Rep Team!

Keely attends Meadowdale High School in Lynnwood, WA, and along with being a talented varsity athlete, she is also an extremely gifted artist AND musician! Funny enough, she ALSO wants to study Kinesiology, and is hoping to obtain a basketball scholarship to a Division 1 or 2 college that has an excellent Kinesiology program (so if you know of a girl out!). On top of all this, Keely has they BLUEST eyes I think I've ever seen, and I am so glad that she has a love for modeling because girl, you're going to be doing plenty for me this year! In conjunction with her love for modeling and art, she also enjoys taking pictures of her friends, the outdoors, fun objects, and I swear she takes the best "selfies" I've ever seen! Welcome to my Senior Rep Team, I'm SO glad to have you!

Last, but most assuredly not least, is Laura! Laura will be graduating from Chrysalis School in Woodinville, WA this year. And I have to say, even if I had to add another slot to do it, I HAD to have this girl on my Rep Team this year! I felt immediately that this book loving, writing, acting, modeling, fashionista was going to be a kindred spirit (sorry, I had to go all Anne of Green Gables on you all for this girl!), and so she has been! In addition to her many talents, Laura also finds the time to volunteer at her church and help out with the nursery AND in the coffee shop there. She loves the 50's (really anything retro), thrift shopping, singing and dancing! Her goals after graduation include entering the medical field, specifically the maternal health/NICU side of things (again, something I would love to do, but I just love photography more!). Really what sealed the deal for her acceptance as a Senior Rep? She used the phrase "hodge podge ramblings" to end her application. Love it!

So there you are! My gorgeous, talented, and incredibly smart 2015 Senior Rep Team! Congrats ladies, you are SO CLOSE! All the fun you're going to have this year will make the time fly, so try not to blink!

All images are © Felicia Sinclair Photography 2014